Custom isn’t complicated.


Completely personalized custom trips are our specialty.
We delight in using our extensive first-hand knowledge
of Asia and the Pacific to craft itineraries that perfectly
fit your unique travel style and preferences.


ATJ has been awarded THE best tour operator by the Travel + Leisure 2023 World’s Best Awards survey. We couldn’t have done this without you, and we could not be more proud of our local and international team.


Sit back and relax. We take care of all the logistical details, allowing you the opportunity to fully embrace every moment of your Asia Pacific travels.


Discuss your specific travel preferences with your personal Travel Expert. From destination to duration to daily activities, everything is flexible.


Accompanied by an expert local guide, you experience a personal, insider’s introduction to the countries you visit.


For all travelers, deposits and payments (per person) are required as follows:

At time of booking:
A non-refundable deposit of $1,000, per person, is due

At time of confirmation:
50% of remaining land cost, per person, is due

For all airfare booked by ATJ (including flights within Asia):
100% of the airfare costs are due

60 days prior to departure:
Final payment is due

If your booking is made within 60 days of departure, the entire cost of the trip must be paid at the time of confirmation in order to secure arrangements


Travel Insurance

Your trip cost includes the following types of insurance:

$200,000 per person for emergency medical evacuation expenses, including repatriation of remains.

$5,000 per person for emergency medical care due to accident/sickness

ATJ does not provide trip cancellation, interruption, air ticket cancellation, lost baggage, or supplemental medical insurance. We highly recommend that you purchase this additional coverage. If using our recommended provider, Arch RoamRight, you must purchase your policy within 21 days of making your initial trip payment/deposit to qualify for the pre-existing conditions benefit. Other carriers may have different terms for preexisting conditions. Additional information will be sent at time of booking.

Questions? Ready to start planning your trip of a lifetime?

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