tales of travel

Stories, insights, recipes and more from all over Asia.

Delight Your Senses

Featuring Travel Experts Katie Weiland and Eric Kareus.

Every night I dream of traveling the world. I explore the world in my dreams…snorkeling in Raja Ampat Indonesia, exploring the jungles of Borneo, hiking in Bhutan to a remote Buddhist temple, boating on idyllic Lake Inle in Burma, eating at a late-night ramen restaurant in Tokyo, and exploring ancient temples in Siem Reap. Every night another amazing destination and experience. I wake up holding on to every minute, that feeling we get when we are out experiencing the world as it slowly fades. To me this isn’t sad, these are wonderful memories from past trips and I’m beyond thankful for having the opportunity to have these adventures. I also know that I’ll be there again once this is all over. Have you been dreaming about Covid ending and your wanderlust once again becomes a reality? It’s coming, friends, each day our dreams come closer to reality. If you’ve been holding off dreaming about travel, don’t It’s time to start dreaming and planning again! 

While the previous year will be remembered as a time that most of us will want to forget, for myself and my family it turned out to be an opportunity to reflect and remember what is most important to us and that is our health, our happiness and the time we’ve spent together as a family. Not surprisingly,  many hours were spent reminiscing about the amazing travel experiences that we have been so fortunate to enjoy as a family over the years and wondering when this might be possible again.

Frankly, had anyone told me that just a year after the pandemic started that we’d be well on our way back to normalcy, I wouldn’t have believed it and yet here we are. While 2021 won’t be exactly back to normal yet, we aren’t that far away from the ability and ease of jumping on a plane and finding ourselves halfway around the world surrounded by wonderful people and colorful cultures. So now is the time to start thinking about where you want to travel next in order to create those lifelong memories whether it be later this year or in 2022 or 2023.  While only a handful of destinations are currently open in Asia, more and more countries will soon announce their bordering reopening dates and when they do, there will be a rush to book available flights and hotels. Before we all know it, another year or two will pass as our lives become busier than before. Now is the perfect time to pause, reflect on the past and begin to envision the future and where your travels will take you and the people you love.  Call me to discuss your next travel adventure.

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