tales of travel

Stories, insights, recipes and more from all over Asia.

Reflections of Gratitude

Every year, Thanksgiving brings with it a sense of gratitude and reflection. As we enjoy and dine with our families and friends, we sit back and realize how lucky we are to be where we are and do what we do. Travel has a way of giving one worldly perspective, and connecting us all to a larger community of people we’ve dined, discovered, and learned with. This year, we’re incredibly grateful for all of the opportunities travel has presented us. Below, a few of our own weigh in on what has made them most grateful this year.  

“With the news littered with sensational stories of violence and extremism from all corners or the world, India included, it was refreshing and eye-opening to be thrown into the rush of millions of people who as a whole see pluralism as a birthright, tolerance as common sense and kindness as second nature. None more so than our truly remarkable tour leader, Jairaj, to whom I feel eternally indebted for guiding me through the extraordinary clash of sights, sounds, smells and emotions that are India.” – Jennifer Raines, Marketing & PR Coordinator,. on Jairaj, Asia Transpacific Journeys’ South India Tour Leader

“Padmaja became a close friend on this trip and before the end we were referring to each other as ‘sisters.’ She is one of the few female Indian Tour Leaders in the industry and a true class act. At the end of the trip, I even left her a pair of my shoes because she loved them so much and we wore the same size and she sent me home with her favorite kurti (Indian Tunic).” – Jen Boyd, Travel Specialist, on Padmaja, Asia Transpacific Journeys’ North India Tour Leader

“The hauntingly beautiful sound of a local musician playing a gamelan drum welcomed us through the gates of Princess Malaika’s villa. Red hibiscus and orange marigold flowers floated in her pool, which glowed with votive-lit coconut shells. My jaw dropped. The pool-side alfresco dinner began—our private chef created course after course of exquisitely crafted and inventive Indonesian cuisine—all expertly guided by the effervescent Princess herself. It was the perfect farewell dinner to an already memorable trip. Pure magic.” – James Doolittle, Trip Coordinator, on Malaika (a Balinese royal princess), Asia Transpacific Journeys’ private dinner hostess on Bali

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