Tag: History

Conde Nast Winner – Rebecca Mazzaro
We're so proud and honored to announce that our very own Rebecca Mazzaro has been selected by Condé Nast Traveler as a Top Travel Specialist for 2023! Click on the link below to head over to the Condé Nast site...
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2023 is here!
The start of a new year brings new opportunities, connections, and experiences! You can travel to Asia in 2023 and feel its mysticism by letting ATJ arrange your adventure!
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Discover Bengal
Stretching from the Himalayas in the north, to the Sunderban mangrove swamps in the south, West Bengal experiences a rapid transition of geology. Irrigated by the Ganges before it bifurcates into a delta, West Bengal’s River plains are fertile and productive. With a...
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Why Travel With ATJ
Part relaxation, part education, part life-enriching experience, travel can be the culmination of a life-long dream. Here are some reasons ATJ is the best choice to deliver on your expectations.  We've been specializing exclusively in the Asia/Pacific region since 1987. Over 75%...
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Tantalize Your Senses – Tips for Immersive Travel in Asia
A slowly loading photo on my aging Internet Explorer browser was all that was needed. As the image unfurled, the Paro Taktsang monastery’s glory came into full view. Affectionately known as Tiger’s Nest, the sacred structure defies gravity and clings...
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1. RUMMASSALA "Ru-mas-sala" translates to "Beautiful Rock." It's a fitting description of this stunning plot of elevated land, visible from Galle Fort. The Hindu epic The Ramayana reveals a beautiful folklore surrounding Rummassala. Legend tells that the rock is a...
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