Tag: Wildlife

Experience the Tigers of India
CALL IT A ROARING SUCCESS! India's tiger conservation efforts have delivered. The majestic creatures have been stealthily making a comeback on the wild stage, their numbers increasing one census after another. Back in 2006, when the country first measured its...
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Four Adventures for Animal Lovers
If you are an animal lover, then you will love these ATJ adventures that connect our travelers to beautiful animals in their natural habitats. Devote a week or two in 2018 to decompressing in the wilderness and looking for exotic,...
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ATJ Travel Expert Jarrod Hobson’s Top 5 Places to get off the Beaten Path in Indonesia
Indonesia is my personal favorite travel destination. A staggering expanse of over 18,000 islands, Indonesia contains a vast array of distinctive cultures and landscapes that have kept me coming back for many years—and I still feel like I have only...
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Top 5 Best National Parks in Southeast Asia
With so many direct flights these days, there’s no reason to just think local when it comes to exploring national parks this summer. Instead of fighting crowds to see the Grand Canyon’s south rim, consider checking out the rim of...
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1. RUMMASSALA "Ru-mas-sala" translates to "Beautiful Rock." It's a fitting description of this stunning plot of elevated land, visible from Galle Fort. The Hindu epic The Ramayana reveals a beautiful folklore surrounding Rummassala. Legend tells that the rock is a...
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Reflections of Gratitude
Every year, Thanksgiving brings with it a sense of gratitude and reflection. As we enjoy and dine with our families and friends, we sit back and realize how lucky we are to be where we are and do what we...
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